
beats by dre solo orm that thrombus i

It Be getting smaller.Followed to have a person to go out from the inside.
The bearer is one inside year women, she probably and ever at young good-looking lead.And have been already fantasized.However now years is she a passing moment with and don't slice reality of all captured, her age should isn't old.However the appearance is old quick ……the hair is in disorder disorderly, dye yellow.Was hot to become that kind of the appearance of the curl.The eyebrow is to once pare a painting just, carefully.The middle age of elaboration still discovered that she once wore the ear hole of leaving of earring.
Although it is said there is the above disguise, however is also cover up not to live her old form, that thrombus in eyes and consumedly of eye bag, also pregnant up be dressed in of imitates the clothes of famous brand to still have a gray face, express that she is to live a how of life.Good Gao Wu Yuan, make a deceptive show of strength of woman.The middle age man gives in the heart to be like next definition.However what relation does this person have to him.
He is just given by person, do a matter just!!
======================The partition line that is gorgeous========================
"Sir, you are to come to take a meal, still accommodation of!!".That women tries to please ground to smile.She peeped out the tooth of the side of half.It is already the light of Shan hardhead to come in that eye.She can judge come out a person is what identity.Adopt that kind of way of treating thus, from very passionate, still arrive cool detachment opposite, she can at moment in do to choose that method.
That's right, I don't welcome pauper to enter store son.She is to ever and so in public once say.Though her small store son is again dirty to break again, basically impossibly too many development prospects.However she is still wishfully it is five-star also can not compare with of luxurious wine shop sort, and think in the Yi in from already the naturally become host.
"Oh, I none of both BE!!", The middle age man says.The flash across in this woman's eyes right away a silk disregard and hate bitterly.She responds a this guy right away if especially the idea get to her store son to take shelter from rain of.Though giving bottom and others' convenience for the power can't there is loss.Just her heart in still joyless, because enter her store son in her eyes of if the person who didn't bring her income is Be not worth welcoming, with others' convenience to her just a joke.A wild goose comes over if can not pull out hair.That doesn't very pitiful!!
"I come to look for person!!".The middle age male is to have never noticed ground that female just one of flash across hated an idea.Don't know that the other party intends to expel a door.He puts a briefcase on the table's top.The taste of women greed right away bite last it.
"Excuse me, Mr. Lin Zi Ming whether lives here??".
"Do you seek him to occupy??".The smiling face of women noodles keeps on being thin, made change right away a cheerless appearance.
"So you seek him.Why get here!!".
"E, he originally not is live here??".
"He moved out!!".Middle age women says chillily, because she realizes from the body of this man she is to can not get an advantage of.
".So do you know his new abode??".
The middle age woman deridingly saw this man's one eye.Don't talk.However there is another one personal answer.
"Do you seek my uncle.He now is move sea rather road to go!!".One is 56-year-old, thin thin of, the shape suits of the boy is since the doorway marched forward.Be dressed in a student to pack on his body, up sprinkled many raindrops now.He smiles happily.Still take a novel on the hand.
But that inside year women then took eyebrow."You read again, and then rented her novel to see and spent my money, you didn't love!!".
"Is not mama a book, two geniuses five hair money!!".
"Is not five hair money money, you can make money now and humed and all read every day, the study tests not good.See how I hold you!!", The middle age women hates of say."Give° the book me, also return to, you have to know to read again this semester the mistake settles a dispute and sees me still let to make you go to school not, last semester be because you read the novel mistake settle a dispute so just even the class member of committee also cans not does it!!You will be wasteful!!".
Hear the mother bring up this matter, boy's sub- complexion is embarrassed to descend.Become not concerned again right away, and smile afresh.
"You be not read over there every day of, how rent again!!".
"Mama reads the somebody else's book in my white every day, ashamed don't rent a !!".
"You are money that a will spend me!!".That woman is still in the jabber continuously.But the male kid then changed direction noodles middle age man.
"Do you seek my uncle, he now still just sea rather the art gallery of road treat there will rain stopped.I take you past!!".
"That was to thank!!".The middle age man ordered bottom.
The male kid listenned to his accent and in astonishment saw his one eye."Sir, are you a yonder person??Listen to accent, your aring different from us are here!!".
"I come from Shanghai!!", The middle age man says with smile.He feels this a male a kid O.K. communicate.
"Shanghai, oh ……".The male kid loses a voice call next.And middle age the woman is to stop Lao Diao.
"Do you seek my uncle to occupy??".
"Occupy.Because a matter that is given by person.I am a lawyer!!, I am Tung!!".Lawyer Tung says.
"I seek Mr. Lin Zi Ming to transmit a document".
"What document??".This next was that inside year women to open mouth, she imitated to smell what.Urgently and hotfoot ask.
Lawyer Tung oddly saw her one eye.However the power measures a short while empress., He feels at present 2 people with from have been already wanted to seek of the person have connection very much.Hence decide to reveal a breeze.
"A inheritance transfers a certificate!!".
"Can say in detail some., Mr. Dong, is the inheritance exactly much big??", The middle age woman cross-examines a way.The lawyer's cautious personality makes Dong Ming Yang bring about doubt on this woman,beats by dre solo.
"You are ……"
"I am Lin Zi Ming's elder sister.I am Lin Zi Hui!!, So the Sir can say to know some!!".
"This ……this.I still once saw Mr. Lin Zi Ming say again, however I can promise, this property is worth of counting not very thin.".
".BE so, text guest.Quickly go to sea rather road to seek your uncle.".Lin Zi Hui is a full face now spring breeze, the person doesn't know as well to whence come of strength head.Spirit pole.Lin Wen Bin should a , in a hurry be take a the umbrella from the house be rush to go out go to.
"Mr. Dong, please to in sit for a while.Outside rain, have a little cold., To, Sir, don't drink tea!!", Haven't waited Dong Ming Yang to echo.Lin Zi Hui is to in a hurry run to the inside to go to, the voice of crying of kid rings out again.At that time she was carrying tea rush go out.BE about to send to Dong Ming Yang table side.
Just need to sit down to come thin explore the other party of breeze, hear cry a voice.Her spirit a stamp foot.In a hurry run back again inside went.
"Cry, I this lifetime be give you these comets to cry mildewed!!".Listen to an inside of coarse drink Chi of voice, Dong Ming Yang not from speechless, then again is a subconscious is accepting jacket to tighten, he suddenly feels put a briefcase really not satisfactory on the table's top.
Hence he hurriedly takes to return again in it.Put on the knee.
The document certificate of inside, he but understand the amount of weigh how much.Although it is said can New Taiwan dollar and Reminbi not directly remit to change.But change it into Hong Kong dollar, change with CNY 1 again.Is must also the number that is near at least.
This inheritance he wants to hand over to a person who calls Lin Zi Wen or his posterity body up.
However is that person over there now??
Outside of rain was more diffused.It also Be getting larger.
This chapter, everyone wants to come all will very unexpected happening.Ha ha,
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