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Can rescue owner.But if just among them of one part of persons, I think with lend our effort it is still possible to carry out."Stir in the funds that the Sa gold Nuo generously organizes from Ba Bu Er counts USD 1,000,000,000, let to depend on Si especially.The tower tower goes to heavy Zheng oneself's business empire, but she then will make use of with fruit is center of relation network, start to be a series of of political activity.Already drive the love hoodwink a depending on of double eye the Si is especially.Tower tower the slightest doesn't doubt the motive of the Nuo of Sa gold, in his eyes if not because love him, the Sa gold Nuo basically has no necessity to make like this.Their household's big property in the overseas even if India demolish to be good enough to make a Sa gold the Nuo continue princess' life like this.Proceed from trust and dependence, his each suggestion to the Sa gold Nuo completely trusts, but knows not a thing to the overall plan of Sa gold Nuo,beats by dre uk.
When depend on Si especially.While tower tower is returning to the company headquarters of Mumbai mansion, Sa gold Nuo just the commander's headquarters location-river bank of southern military district of the army in India that.Face be full of the Wei hero's lieutenant general of worry in uncertainty, this princess self-confidently smiles, she knows that the other party has no choice."Your meaning is to say me one personal heel does the whole India army resist?"In the subconscious Wei hero lieutenant general without can contradict of approve Sa gold's Nuo to own proposal.But as India army's key figures, he knows more himself/herself and virtuous Er in Joe's city at the moment hang extremely of strength contrast.
The northwest is the gate that the foreign influence can be got into India peninsula by the land, the foreign race are invaded India on the history mostly here get into of-Macedonia empire, Turkic person and Persia empire, mongolses all get into but with one action conquer India from here.But the yonder geography is a plateau, north Gao Nan Di, from north to south"with see Gao bottom, easily crush enemy resistance".Therefore, large force the conservative and northwest gate is India to acquire the place of "land sense of security".India army once all in western frontier, 45% crack deployment of or so army's the characteristics of outstanding"took the offensive a situation";Deploy or so troops of 25% in northern frontier, protect its"vested interest".Is also say that virtuous Er in Joe's city holds to have army's 70% or so strength in India at least at the moment.But is the troops that southern military district that the strategy prepares brigade and internal public order strength owns however is India army's 10%.Under the strength contrast like this, the Wei hero's lieutenant general once raising Pan ensign, even if the whole army responds to also hard resist Joe's city of sending punitive expedition of virtuous Er battalion.
"Is not your a person, at your after death have the people's support of the south of the whole India."The Sa gold Nuo still keeps smiling, although her answer is just elegant and stately set of words.However in the next analysis, Sa gold the original views of the Nuo must make Wei hero lieutenant general to at present of this weak quality fair sex in different light.Virtuous Er in quite good Joe's city superficially really owns to be good enough to control the whole troops of India, that prior condition must is India week time all countries sit on the sideline ignore.
On the northwest of India having the night the enemy-Pakistan.Although virtuous Er in Joe's city gave up to cost hundred million annually and bit a soldier innumerable and Huang the star Xia glacier region in the unmanned smoke, pass from printed to control Kashmir pullout of troops to acquire mobile troops, that is already the bottom line that India army leaves to guard.On endless frontier in India the west, virtuous Er in Joe's city already hard take out to adjust of one soldier of one soldier, because that will thoroughly change the strength contrast of the frontier of India and Pakistan.The mechanization troops of northwest military district is really the military operation that participated in control New Delhi, but that is also the extreme limit that they go down south to be apart from, if these troops then to difficult push forward, so India and Pakistan frontier will be placed in on India army absolutely passive in.But the central military district is in the political turbulence of this New Delhi the position of place is so far still not clear and distinct.Virtuous Er in Joe's city still solves a parliament of that before helping politician, have to also keep to India army of the central military district the tight supervision of the first soldier, keep disaster from rising Yi elbow.Although is eastern the military district once tried to cooperate with virtuous Er in Joe's city, along with Wen De.Summer the plane crash of the Ma lieutenant general.Currently New Delhi and add Er each reach of has already sunk into depth of distrust in.Is also say that virtuous Er in Joe's city is completely like a paper tiger at the moment, is still heart to have no dint to the southern region.
But more decisively lie in time, along with horary of changing and contrasting the strength in end change north of the south of India.Each nation of the south in India all owns to strongly mobilize a potential on the economy and the population.Once the Wei hero's lieutenant general raises Pan ensign, each nation of the south in India starts to set up a quick set to be good enough to self-defense military force.But the turbulence of each nation of the north will weaken the strength of virtuous Er in Joe's city further, this weighing scales that pares that to grow moment strength is advantageous facing to the direction of each nation of the south in India to evolve."You say of have no wrong, but I respect of the princess had to once think, in northern India the military owned industrial potential ……."The Wei hero's lieutenant general is past to make to difficultly say.
"The Wei hero's general you worried needlessly, before the attitude lucidity of Calcutta, that industrial area, Ma De in the Mumbai-river bank controled by you pulls Si a class of add industrial area and that space river bank of Luo Er Er the industrial area have already had India industry production of 70% above.Wanting ~only your troops activity is quick.We can let New Delhi even bullet all the production don't come out.More important is I will promise when you take action, international up concern the western big country of India in no case will sit on the sideline regardless."The Sa gold Nuo doesn't don't know the Wei hero's lieutenant general attitude like this nothing but from lift prestige, however at the moment for the sake of firmness his conviction.Sa gold Nuo still oneself the cards in the hand finally Be bright to come out.
"The princess' his highness indeed as expected deeply strives for forethought.However for the sake of our cooperations, I think we should more the open heart is some, be not?"The Wei hero's lieutenant general thoroughly drive drive at present this chemisette energy and courage admits defeat.However he obviously still wants to get at the moment it's more, his Tian wears a face to make further request to the Sa gold Nuo."You of the general, future square long, why the need for be eager to momentary!I will in the fruit wait the news of your victory."The Sa gold Nuo easily smiles, from station of own seat rise, give Wei hero's lieutenant general leave the You joss-stick of beautiful background and houseful.
"Is this what mean?We in no case will make the India sea, air force participate in your insurrection."Air force's chief of staff in India in India Ministry of National Defense mansion in New Delhi especially the looking at of second Ji full general and the chief of staff database Ma Er full general exasperation of India navy army's chief of staff in India with inattentive milli-, state of emergency committee core in India nation member-Joe's city virtuous Er.They don't don't know New Delhi the situation at the moment has already fallen into virtuous Er control in young Joe's city under, but be the same as tallest commanding officer for India troops, they can not tolerate of is a virtuous Joe's city Er only Zhang general situation, have never divided them the meaning of the one cup thick soup."Do you think to have no me to also direct India air force?"Especially the second Ji full general faces a bit calm terrible virtuous Er in Joe's city spoke his/her own true feelings.
"You?Especially second Ji!When it's your turn this first-time flight still wet the pants of coward to represent India air force."Is proper second Ji especially the time that full general is confident, a familiar old voice spreads from his back.That being India air force's elder statesman and backing the service air marshal-Shi Ma is second.Er Mo Si especially of voice.This India air force most has the old man of legend meaning at the moment the pillar wear a walking stick and shiver to walk to the body of virtuous Er in Joe's city side, at his after death still follow one to make India white of people's afraid carry aasvogel on India white of people's afraid's back.See oneself the teacher and superior ever, especially the second Ji full general in a short instant felt own infinitesimal.
"The database Ma Er's full general whether you also miss to represent India navy to announce an opinion!"Looking at heavy Be returned to Jian of Mo of especially second Ji, virtuous Er in Joe's city changed direction vision the chief of staff database Ma Er's full general of India navy."Not, not, India navy will support the decision of state of emergency committee in India nation with all strength."Database Ma Er the full general have already read to understand his/her own circumstances from virtuous Er self-confident double of eyes in Joe's city.He immediately changed his own position."That good!The opinion of India the armed forces is since consistent, so we can sit down to inquire into India of future."Virtuous Er in Joe's city is tiny to say with a smile.

Chapter 50:Desperate fight(a)

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